作者: Sarah Edelman
出版社: Marlowe & Company
副标题: Overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, and Improve Your Life with CBT
出版年: 2007-08-28
页数: 320
定价: USD 17.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781600940521
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For more information visit Also take a moment to check out our Happy & Well blog an. In Change Your Thinking, practicing psychologist Sarah Edelman clearly lays out how to use CBT to develop rational thought patterns in response to upsetting emotions and situations. By following the practical, easy-to-follow exercises and examples, you can take control of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings, and find more positive ways of.

• Based on the highly effective psychological tool already widely used by therapists: Everyone experiences complicated thoughts and feelings — such as anger, depression, frustration, and anxiety — that can leave one despaired and have an injurious effect on day-to-day life. CBT, used as a self-help tool, combats these feelings and can help you improve your self-destructiv...

• Based on the highly effective psychological tool already widely used by therapists: Everyone experiences complicated thoughts and feelings — such as anger, depression, frustration, and anxiety — that can leave one despaired and have an injurious effect on day-to-day life. CBT, used as a self-help tool, combats these feelings and can help you improve your self-destructive behaviors and feelings, deal with stress better, and lead a happier life.

• Helpful exercises for taking charge of one's emotions: Whether one is dealing with overwhelming feelings of frustration, anger and depression, or trying to cope with anxiety or raise self-esteem, the easy-to-follow exercises throughout help you practically implement the theories of CBT into their lives — from recognizing harmful thinking to effective problem solving, better communicating, and replacing negative cognitions with more positive ones.

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生命这么长,抑郁却如影随形~ 为了自愈,为了能够更加坚强一点,也看了很多心理学上的书,但心理学上的很多内容都差不多是那种弗洛伊德式的腔调,说成人之后的种种行为都可归结于幼年!父母不幸的婚姻会重复,父母对待子女的方式也会重复,一代一代循环。。。越看越失望,越看... (展开)

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Change Your Thinking
Sarah Edelman

Change your thinking by Sarah Edelman is one of my favourite resources. I first picked it up at a bookstore many years ago, before I had even heard of kinesiology.

CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy is a model of therapy that asks the individual to challenge their thought processes and teaches them to change the way they are thinking.

I am a huge fan of CBT because it works very well for me and I enjoy the practicality of it, especially the fact that it aligns with many eastern principles of happiness.

This book presents a very matter of fact way of working with thoughts, you will probably find that most CBT therapists are ‘no nonsense’ types, this is one of the things I like about it as a form of treatment, it does not really allow space for victim mentality to enter into treatment. However, the lack of flexibility in the therapy is one of the reasons I don’t practice CBT on it’s own. I use many of the techniques outlined throughout this book to help my clients who are engaged in habitual negative thinking and who need a model to help them move out of those patterns.

I have also found that this book is great for working with children and teens stuck in negative thought processing, it provides the individual with tools they can use to work on their thoughts as well as providing family members and friends with tools for helping people work through stressful situations.

As a personal development text I rate it 4/5

x Kristen

Kristen Ross is a holistic wellness professional.

A qualified Kinesiologist, Counsellor, Coach, Yoga and Meditation instructor, Kristen has been helping people with their physical, emotional and spiritual journeys for 13 years.

Sarah Edelman Change Your Thinking

Kristen’s professional approach, dedication, and enthusiasm have helped hundreds of people break through limitations in their personal and professional lives.

Kristen specialises in working with the power of the subconscious mind to uncover the underlying cause of blockage and dis-ease, offering a highly individualised service to help our clients to live consciously, awaken their potential and discover their purpose.

Sarah Edelman Change Your Thinking Strategy

Kristen’s passion is helping you to achieve inner peace, purpose and clarity by discovering your unique truth and working towards your highest potential. Her personal belief is that everything we create in our life comes back to our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Her vocational appetite is for exploring the subconscious mind (including dreams) to help her clients achieve happiness, discover their unique truth and work towards their highest potential. Her goal is for her clients to create vibrant, dynamic purpose-driven lives.